IN SITU webinars
Applications are open for the first webinar in the IN SITU webinar series.

From September to December 2023 the IN SITU project consortium will organize three webinars on topics relevant for the development of cultural and creative industries in smaller and remote areas in Europe with the focus on issues of their sustainability and innovation, as well as their contribution to development and resilience of local communities. The first in a series of webinars "What contributes to the viability of creative small-scale enterprises (CCI) in non-urban areas?" will be held on Thursday, September 28th 2023 from 10:30 to 12:30 (CET).
Speakers: Ralph Lister, SPARSE/Take Art (UK); Musa Htlatshwejo, STAND-Sustaining Theater and Dance Foundation (JAR); Martha Michailidou, CORAL-ITN EU research project (Greece); Ella Björn, SmartCulTour - EU research project (Finland) and Lidia Varbanova, NATFIZ - National Academy of Theater and Film Arts "Kr. Sarafov" - IN SITU partner (Bulgaria).
Webinars intended for the exchange of knowledge and experience will bring together researchers and practitioners who will present researches and projects focused on cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas of the EU and open space for discussion with participants.
Participation in webinars is free with mandatory registration, and you can register for the first webinar here.
The project "IN SITU: Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas", supported through the program 'Horizon Europe', is focused on the research of cultural and creative industries, their contribution to economic development, innovation processes, planning in non- urban environments and entrepreneurship. Within the IN SITU project, non-urban areas are defined as rural, remote or peripheral environments, including cities, villages and smaller towns (according to EUROSTAT's NUTS3 categorization) with regard to the number of inhabitants per square kilometer. A key aspect of the project is connecting research and practice through IN SITU Labs – hubs for networking, capacity building and monitoring case studies in six sparsely populated and remote regions in Europe – Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Finland, Latvia and Croatia.