Video Materials from the Seminar on Cultural Participation
Video recordings from "The Age of Cultural Participation: Democratic Roles and Consequences" seminar are available at the Foundation’s You Tube channel.

Kultura Nova Foundation published video materials of lectures, panels and talks from "The Age of Cultural Participation: Democratic Roles and Consequences" seminar held in Zagreb from 7th to 8th of November 2019.
The seminar was realized as part of series of seminars dedicated to the topic of participation that the Foundation organized in cooperation with partners Cultural Participation Network and Centre for Cultural Policy of University of Leeds and the Take Part Danish research network from the University of Aarhus.
The Zagreb seminar encompassed topics related to restrictions and paradoxes that come out of participation, as well as perspectives that cultural and artistic praxis and cultural policies face in the context of "democratizing" democracy.
Video recordings together with names of the participants and session summaries are available at the Foundation’s You Tube channel.