English Version of the Research on the Pandemic and Earthquake
The Foundation has published the report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and earthquake on CSOs in contemporary arts and culture in English.

Within the framework of Kultura Nova Edition, the Foundation has published the "Impact of COVID-19 and Zagreb earthquake on CSOs in Contemporary Culture and Arts. Results of the test phase of the research" report. This is the English edition of the previously presented report in Croatian on the results of the first phase of the longitudinal research started in May 2020, which the Foundation published with the aim of sharing the results of the research on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and Zagreb earthquake on CSOs in contemporary arts and culture with the international public.
Some of the key motives for this research, besides the obvious need to empirically look at the consequences of the effect of the global crisis and the earthquake on the cultural and artistic sector, include the necessity that these consequences have to be explored from a number of perspectives – the role and position of arts and culture in social and economic processes during the crisis, simultaneous processes of vulnerability and resilience of the cultural sector, consequences of the spill over of negative effects of the crisis on the cultural and artistic sector and the overall ecosystem and policy making, i.e. looking at instruments, mechanisms and measures of international, national and local public policies implemented for restraining the immediate and long-term impacts of the crisis.
The publication authors are Krešimir Krolo, Željka Tonković, Dea Vidović and Ana Žuvela, the editor is Dea Vidović, and it was translated into English by Miljenka Buljević, and designed by Studio Filburg. The research results are disposed under the Creative Commons license Attribution – Share Alike 3.0 Croatia.
You can find the results of the research in English here, and you can download the English version of the research in .pdf form here.